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Daniell, William: Interesting Selections From Animated Nature : With Illustrative Scenery : Vol. 2 / Designed And Engraved By William Daniell, A. R. A.. London. London : Cadell & Davies, [1809]
Vol. 1
Daniell, William ; [London] : Sidney ; Cadell, Thomas ; Davies, William ; Cadell and Davies ; Sidney, Gabriel:
Subjects Contained In The Second Volume.
[The Spring-Bok. Antilope Euchore. Linn. Le Chevre Sautante. Buff.]
[The Monkey. Simia Æthiops. Linn. Mangabey. Buff.]
[The Electrical Gymnote. Gymnotus Electricus. Linn. L'Anguille Electrique. Bloch.]
[The Flying Dragon. Draco Volans. Linn. Le Dragon Volant. Lacepede.]
[The Buffalo. Bos Bubalus. Linn. Le Buffle. Buff.]
[The Grotto Of Antiparos.]
[The African Rhinoceros. Rhinoceros Bicornis. Linn. Le Rhinoceros. Buff.]
[The Bird-Catching Spider. Aranea Avicularia. Linn. Araignée Aviculaire. Bosc.]
[The Beaver. Castor Fiber. Linn. Le Castor. Buff.]
[The Hercules Beetle. Scarabaeus Hercules. Linn. Le Scarabé Hercule. Bosc.]
[The Indian Ox. Bos Domesticus. Linn. Gmel. Boeuf. Buff.]
[The Cuckoo. Cuculus Canorus. Linn. Le Coucou. Buff.]
[The Cerastes. Coluber Cerates. Linn. Le Vipere Ceraste. Lacepede.]
[The Wild Swan. Anas Cygnus. Linn. Le Cygne Sauvage. Buff.]
[The Butterfly. papilio Brassicae. Linn. Le grand Papillon blanc du chou. Geoff.]
[The Bread Fruit. Artocarpus Incisa. Linn. Jaquier Decoupé. Lamark.]
[The Guana. Lacerta Iguana. Linn. L'Iguane Vulgaire. Bosc.]
[The Ass. Equus Asinus. Linn. L'Ane. Buff.]
[The Flying Fish. Exocaetus Volitans. Linn. L'Exocet Volant. Bosc.]
[The Salamander. Lacerta Salamandra. Linn. La Salamandre Terrestre. Bosc.]
[The Seal. Phoca Vitulina. Linn. Le Phoque. Buff.]
[The Dragon Fly. Libellula Grandis. Linn. Demoiselle Aquatique. Geoffroy.]
[The Salmon. Salmo Solar. Linn. Le Saumon. Lacepede.]
[The Locust. Gryllus Migratorius. Linn. Le Criquet de Passage. Latreille.]
[The Lobster. Cancer Grammarus. Linn. L'Ecrevisse Homar. Bosc.]
[The Fox. Canis Vulpes. Linn. Le Renard. Buff.]
[The Jerboa. Dipus Jaculus. Linn. Gerboise. Buff.]
[The Goose. Anas Anser. Linn. L'Oic Domestique. Buff.]
[The Cowry. cypraea Tigris. Linn. La Porcelaine Tigre. Dargenville.]
[The Wolf. Canis Lupus. Linn. Le Loup. Buff.]
[The Muscle. Mytilus Edulis. Linn. La Moule Commune. Dargenville.]
[The Tea Tree. Thea Bohea. Linn. Thé. Lamark.]
[The Carrion Vulture. Vultur Aura. Linn. Le Vautour du Bresil. Buff.]
[The Cobra De Capello. Coluber Naja. Linn. La Vipére Naja. Lacepede.]
[The Water Ouzel. Sternus Cinclus. Linn. Le Merle d'Eau. Buff.]
[The Oyster. Ostrea Edulis. Linn. L'Huitre. Bosc.]
[The Porcupine. Hystrix Cristata. Linn. Porc-epic. Buff.]
[The Nightingale. Motacilla Luscinia. Linn. Le Rossignol. Buff.]
[The Stag Beetle. Lucanus Cervus. Linn. Cerf. Volant. Olivier.]
[The Otter. Mustela Lutra. Linn. La Loutre. Buff.]
[The Cedar Tree. Pinus Cedrus. Linn. Cédre du Liban. Lamark.]
[The Shepherd's Dog. Canis Domesticus. Linn. Le Chien de Burger. Buff.]
[The Pike. Esox Lucius. Linn. Le Brochet. Lacepede.]
[The Swallow. Hirundo Rustica. Linn. Hirondelle de Cheminee. Buff.]
[The Walrus. Trichecus Rosmarus. Linn. Le Morse. Buff.]
[The Passenger Pigeon. Columba Migratoria. Linn. Pigeon de Passage. Buff.]
[The Snail. Helix Hortensis. Linn. L'Helice des Jardins. Bosc.]
[The Giraffe. Camelopardalis Giraffa. Linn. Le Giraffe. Buff.]
[The Mackerel. Scomber Scomber. Linn. Le Maquereau. Lacepede.]
[The Fir Tree. Pinus Sylvestris. Linn. Le Pin. Lamark.]
[The Raven. Corvus Corax. Linn. Le Corbeau. Buff.]
[The Ichneumon. Viverra Ichneumon. Linn. La Mangouste. Buff.]
[The Gannet. Pelicanus Bassanus. Linn. Le Fou de Bassan. Buff.]
[The Squirrel. Sciurus Vulgaris. Linn. L'Ecurenil. Buff.]
[The Land Crab. Cancer Ruricola. Linn. L'Ocypode Ruricole. Bosc.]
[The Elk. Cervus Alces. Linn. L'Elan. Buff.]
[The Condur. Vultur Gryphus. Linn. Le Condor. Buff.]
[The Wild Goat. Capra Ibex. Linn. Bouquetin. Buff.]
[The Sturgeon. Acipenser Sturio. Linn. L'Acipensere Esturgeon. Lacepede.]
[The Mallard. Anas Bochas. Linn. Le Canard Sauvage. Buff.]