Latham, John: A General Synopsis of Birds : Vol. 3, 2 / [John Latham]. London. London : Leigh & Sotheby, 1785
PDF Vol. 1, 1
PDF Vol. 1, 2
PDF Vol. 2, 1
PDF Vol. 2, 2
PDF Vol. 3, 1
PDF Latham, John ; Leigh, George ; Sotheby, John:
329 [Order IX. Web-Footed. With Short Legs. Fortsetzung.]
329 Genus LXXXV. Guillemot.
337 Genus LXXXVI. Diver.
347 Genus LXXXVII. Skimmer.
349 Genus LXXXVIII. Tern.
369 Genus LXXXIX. Gull.
395 Genus XC. Petrel.
418 Genus XCI. Merganser.
431 Genus XCII. Duck.
559 Genus XCIII. Pinguin.
574 Genus XCIV. Pelican.
615 Genus XCV. Tropic Bird.
622 Genus XCVI. Darter.
Directions For The Plates.
Generic Catalogue.
A Catalogue Of The Principal Authors Referred to in this Work.
PDF Suppl. [1]