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Edwards's botanical register, or ornamental flower garden and shrubbery : Jg. 27 (1841). N.S. 14 = 27.1841. London
Edwards's botanical register, or ornamental flower garden and shrubbery
N.S. 14 = 27.1841
1 Echeveria lurida. Lurid Echeveria.
2 Gongora bufonia. Toad-skinned Gongora.
3 Euthales macrophylla. Broad-leaved Euthales.
4 Spiraea Kamtchatica, var. himalensis. Himalayan form of the Kamtchatka Meadow-sweet.
5 Various Species Of Catasetum.
6 Martynia fragans. Fragrant Martynia.
7 Solanum macrantherum. Large-anthered Bitter-sweet.
8 Cyrtopodium Andersonii. Anderson`s Curve-foot.
9 Brachycome iberidifolia. Large Swan Daisy.
10 Sowerbaea laxiflora. Loose-flowered Sowerbaea.
11 Oenothera fruticosa, var. indica. Indian Oenothera.
12 Ismene virescens. Stalk-flowered Ismene.
13 Ipomoea ficifolia. Fig-leaved Ipomoea.
14 Salvia Regla. The Regla Sage.
15 Cynoglossum glochidiatum. Burry Houndstongue.
16 Sprekelia glauca. Glaucous Jacobean Lily.
17 Sobralia sessilis. Sessile-flowered Sobralia.
18 Brassia Lawrenceana. Mrs. Lawrence`s Brassia.
19 Colea floribunda. The Yellow Rei rei.
20 Impatiens candida. White Balsam.
21 Armeria fasciculata. Fascicled Thrift.
22 Triptilion spinosum. Spiny Triptilion.
23 Chysis bractescens. Bracteated Chysis.
24 Laelia acuminata. Tapering Laelia.
25 Cobaea stipularis. Changeable Cobaea.
26 Posoqueria versicolor. Changeable Posoquery.
27 Impatiens rosea. Small Pink Balsam.
28 Aeschynanthus maculatus. Spotted Blush-wort.
29 Coelogyne Cumingii. Mr. Cuming`s Coelogyne.
30 Brownaea grandiceps. Large-headed Brownaea.
31 Coelogyne flaccida. Drooping Coelogyne.
32 Strobilanthes scabra. Rough-leaved Conehead.
33 Pimelea spectabilis. Showy Pimelea.
34 Catasetum Trulla. The Trowel-shaped Feeler-wort.
35 Angraecum bilobum. Two-lobed Angurek.
36 Ipomoea batatoides. The Male Jalap.
37 Potentilla insignis. Specious Cinquefoil.
38 Cymbidium pubescens. Downy-lipped Cymbidium.
39 Salvia hians. Gaping Sage.
40 Schweiggeria pauciflora. Few-flowered Prong-violet.
41 Oxalis fruticosa. The Shrubby Wood-sorrel.
42 Eria armeniaca. Apricot-coloured Aria.
43 Convolvulus scoparius. Canary Rosewood.
44 Salvia tubifera. Tube-flowered Salvia.
45 Chorozema spectabile. Showy Chorozema.
46 Berberis coriaria. The Tanner`s Berberry.
47 Boronia triphylla; β. latifolia. The Three-leaved Boronia.
48 Odontoglossum pulchellum. Pretty Tooth-tongue.
49 Aeschynanthus grandiflorus. Large-flowered Blushwort.
50 Placea ornata. Gay-flowered Placea.
51 Clianthus carneus. Flesh-colored Glory Pea.
52 Dendrobium discolor. Dull-coloured Dendrobium.
53 Tabernaemontana dichotoma. The Forked Tabernaemontana.
54 Statice monopetala. Monopetalous Sea Lavender.
55 Bossiaea disticha. Double-rowed Bossiaea.
56 Phabitis Learii. Mr. Lear`s Gaybine.
57 Coelogyne cristata. Crested Coelogyne.
58 Mirbelia speciosa. Showy Mirbelia.
59 Cyrtochilum filipes. Thread-stalked Curvelip.
60 Heimia salcifolia; var. grandiflora. Large-flowered Heimia.
61 Aeonium cruentum. Bleeding Stoneleck.
62 Eria convallarioides. The Close-headed Woolwort.
63 Gesnera discolor. Varnished Gesnera.
64 Diplolaena Dampieri. Dampiers Double Cup.
65 Achimenes rosea. The Rose-coloured Achimenes.
66 Fuchsia radicans. Rooting Fuchsia.
67 Cleome lutea. Golden Cleome.
68 Rigidella immaculata. Spotless Stiffstalk.
69 Houlletia vittata. Striped Houlletia.
70 Fuchsia cordifolia. Heart-leaved Fuchsia.
Miscellaneous Notices.
Index To The Botanical Register, For The Years 1838, 39, 40, And 41.
[Advertising Sheet. No. I. - XII. of Volume XIV. (New Series.)]