- Vorderdeckel
- Titelblatt
- Alphabetical Index Of Volume III. Of The New Series, Or Volume XVI. Of The Whole Work.
- New Works publishing, or in the Press, by Ridgways, Piccadilly.
- General Alphabetical Index To Volumes II. And III. Of The New Series.
- 1306 Malva Munroana. Mr. Munro's Mallow.
- 1307 Clerodendron hastatum. Halberd-leaved Clerodendron.
- 1308 Blackwellia Padiflora. Bird-Cherry-flowered Blackwellia.
- 1309 Pentstemon venustum. Pretty Pentstemon.
- 1310 Cassia biflora. Two-flowered Cassia.
- 1311 Canna Lagunensis. Canna Of Laguna.
- 1312 Cleome speciosissima. Shewy Cleome.
- New Works publishing, or in the Press, by Ridgways, Piccadilly.
- 1313 Calceolária Herbertiána. Mr. W. Herbert's Calceolaria.
- 1314 Dendróbium moniliforme. Necklace-stemmed Dendrobium.
- 1315 Dendróbium longicornu. Long-horned Dendrobium.
- 1316 Banksia undulata. Waved-leaved Banksia.
- 1317 Acacia albida. Whitish-leaved Acacia.
- 1318 Pentstemon deustum. Parched Pentstemon.
- 1319 Grevilléa punícea. Scarlet Grevillea.
- 1320 Capparis acumináta. Taper-pointed Caper.
- 1321 Pachypódium tuberósum. Tuberous Pachypodium.
- 1322 Cassia austrális. New Holland Cassia.
- 1323 Convolvulus farinósus. Mealy-stemmed Convolvulus.
- 1324 Astrágalus succulentus. Succulent Milk Vetch.
- 1325 Lobélia purpúrea. Purple Lobelia.
- 1326 Línum mexicánum. Mexican Flax.
- 1327 Erythrína carnea. Flesh-coloured Coral Tree.
- 1328 Anóna laurifólia. Laurel-leaved Custard Apple.
- 1329 Mammillaria pulchra. Handsome Mammillaria.
- 1330 Mimulus propinquus. Dwarf Yellow Monkey-flower.
- 1331 Cactus (Epiphyllum) Ackermanni. Ackermann's Mexican Cactus.
- 1332 Acácia uncináta. Hook-leaved Acacia.
- 1333 Podolóbium trilobátum. Three-lobed Podolobium.
- 1334 Justícia guttáta. Dotted-flowered Justicia.
- 1335 Brunsvígia grandiflóra. Large-flowered Brunsvigia.
- 1336 Kennédya monophylla; var. longiracemósa. Long-racemed variety of the One-leaved Kennedya.
- 1337 Póthos scandens. Climbing Pothos.
- 1338 Tillandsia stricta. Erect Tillandsia.
- 1339 Passiflóra liguláris. Strapped Passion-flower.
- 1340 Justícia quadranguláris. Square-stalked Justicia.
- 1341 Phycella Herbertiána. Mr. Herbert's Phycella.
- 1342 Senécio lilacínus. Lilac Senecio.
- 1343 Argemóne mexicána; var. ochroleuca. Mexican Argemone; the pale-yellow variety.
- 1344 Crassula turríta. Turretted Crassula.
- 1345 Habranthus Andersóni. Anderson's Habranthus.
- 1346 Drimia villósa. Villous-leaved Drimia.
- 1347 Collómia heterophylla. Various-leaved Collomia.
- 1348 Géum chilense; var. grandiflórum. Chilian Geum; large-flowered variety.
- New Works in course of Publication by Ridgways, Piccadilly.
- 1349 Ribes sanguineum. Purple-flowered Currant.
- 1350 Lachenália pallida. Pale-blue-flowered Lachenalia.
- 1351 Phlox speciósa. Shewy Phlox.
- 1352 Acácia lunáta. Crescent-leaved Acacia.
- 1353 Stercúlia Tragacantha. The Sierra Leone Tragacanth Tree.
- 1354 Vaccinium ovátum. Ovate-leaved Bilberry.
- 1355 Scilla plumbea. Lead-coloured Scilla.
- 1356 Salvia fúlgens. The Cardinal Sage.
- 1357 Tillandsia rósea. Pink-headed Tillandsia.
- 1358 Canna Achíras Mendoza Canna.
- 1359 Ribes divaricátum. Straggling Gooseberry.
- 1360 Sparaxis pendula. Pendulous-flowered Sparaxis.
- 1361 Zephyranthes mesochlóa. Half-green Zephyranthes.
- 1362 Malva purpuráta. Purple Mallow.
- 1363 Banksia littorális. Shore Banksia.
- 1364 Sisyrinchium grandiflórum. Large-flowered Sisyrinchium.
- 1365 Spiráea ariaefolia. Beam-Tree-leaved Spiráea.
- 1366 Azálea calendulácea; var. subcúprea. Copper-coloured Highclere Azalea.
- 1367 Azálea nudiflóra; var. thyrsiflora. The Highclere Scarlet Azalea.
- 1368 Rúbus nutkánus. Nootka Raspberry.
- 1369 Anomathéca cruenta. Blood-spotted Anomatheca.
- 1370 Salvia Grahámi. Mr. Graham's Sage.
- 1371 Haylockia pusilla. Dwarf Haylockia.
- 1372 Rosa multiflora; var. platyphylla. The Seven Sister's Rose.
- 1373 Prátia begonifólia. Begonia-leaved Pratia.
- 1374 Calceolária diffúsa. Spreading Calceolaria.
- 1375 Palávia rhombifolia. Rhomb-leaved Palavia.
- 1376 Coreopsis Atkinsoniána. Perennial Dyer's Coreopsis.
- New Works publishing, or in the Press, by Ridgways, Piccadilly.
- 1377 Lupínus polyphyllus; var. albiflorus. White large-leaved Perennial Lupine.
- 1378 Pluméria Lambertiána. Mr. Lambert's Plumeria.
- 1379 Potentilla argúta. Close-flowered Potentilla.
- 1380 Justícia venusta. Beautiful Justicia.
- 1381 Lophospermum erubescens. Blushing Lophospermum.
- 1382 Sphacele campanuláta. Campanulate Sphacele.
- 1383 Grevilléa concinna. Neat Grevillea.
- 1384 Browallia grandiflóra. Large-flowered Browallia.
- 1385 Anemóne vitifólia. Vine-leaved Anemone.
- 1386 Cúphea Llávea Mexican Two-petalled Cuphea.
- 1387 Potentilla Hopwoodiána. Hopwood's Hybrid Cinquefoil.
- 1388 Láthyrus tingitánus. The Tangier Pea.
- 1389 Rosa Ruga. The Ruga Rose.
- 1390 Loása ambrósiaefólia. Ambrosia-leaved Loasa.
- 1391 Sédum Cepáea. Panicled Stonecrop.
- [Advertising Sheet No I.- XII. of Volume III.]
- Rückdeckel