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  • As at: November 2017, Dessau-Roßlau : German Environment Agency, [2017?]
  • from energy auditing to an ISO 50001 management system : guide for companies and organizations
    Barckhausen, Anton ; Becker, Juliane ; Malodobry, Peter ; Harfst, Nathanael ; Nissen, Ulrich ; Töpfer, Christoph (Hrsg.) ; Deutschland
    Status: March 2020, Dessau-Roßlau : German Environment Agency (UBA), [2020]
  • analysis of standards for environmental management systems with regard to the management of climaterelated risks and TCFD : opportunities for the further development of ISO 14001 and EMAS.
    Glatzner, Ludwig ; Loew, Thomas ; Sander, Kirsten (Hrsg.) ; Dalitz, Laura (Hrsg.) ; Töpfer, Christoph (Hrsg.)
    Dessau-Roßlau : German Environment Agency (UBA), March 2022
  • results of a horizon scanning for the environment department in tomorrow’s society
    Erdmann, Lorenz ; Kimpeler, Simone ; Gutknecht, Ralph ; Cuhls, Kerstin ; Rörden, Jan ; Veenhoff, Sylvia (Hrsg.)
    As at: Juliy 2023, Dessau-Roßlau : German Environment Agency, [Januar 2024?]
  • adjusting the cap in light of the IPCC1.5°C special report and the Paris Agreement
    Zaklan, Aleksandar ; Wachsmuth, Jakob ; Duscha, Vicki ; Gibis, Claudia (Hrsg.) ; Weiß, Jan (Hrsg.)
    Dessau-Roßlau : German Environment Agency, January 2020
  • key aspects of the revision of the ETS directive
    Wissner, Nora ; Cames, Martin
    As of 05. October 2023, Dessau-Roßlau : German Environment Agency, [November 2023?]