
The 'Intersections' of gender, family, and society in Kyrgyzstan : discussing pedagogical and intercultural facets in an international students’ research training program in times of pandemic / Schrader, Heiko; Gorborukova, Galina & Mamatova, Makhinur ; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Institut für Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Department for Social Sciences
VerfasserSchrader, Heiko ; Gorborukova, Galina ; Mamatova, Makhinur
KörperschaftOtto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
ErschienenMagdeburg : Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Institut für Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Department for Social Sciences, 01.11.2021
Umfang1 Online-Ressource (20 Seiten, 0,46 MB) : Illustration
SerieArbeitsbericht ; Nr. 81
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The 'Intersections' of gender, family, and society in Kyrgyzstan [0.46 mb]
This paper discusses the conception of a joint intercultural students’ research program of one German and two Kyrgyzstani teachers and students from the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg (Germany) and the American University of Central Asia Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). The paper conceptualizes such a research training program and gives reference to qualitative methods teaching in the two corresponding universities. What follows is a description of the chosen research topic: “The 'Intersections' of Gender Family and Society in Kyrgyzstan” and the course program. With different academic cultures concerning research ethics in the AngloSaxon and continental European contexts a challenge for such a program concerning different research ethics will be addressed. A short review of the research results of the different students’ teams is provided. The projects were “Women's rights activism in the region of Osh”; “Women Islam and navigating transformation in Kyrgyzstan”; “Domestic violence and traditional ideologies in Kyrgyzstan: a focus on married women and bearing children”; and “Electoral participation of women in Kyrgyzstan”. The paper is finalized with a self-reflection upon such a joint intercultural undertaking. Particularly addressed are the benefits for the students having joined such a program as well as unequal working conditions in a Western European and a Central Asian country.