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In der Studie werden die Kosten analysiert die für die Trinkwasserbereitstellung aufgrund von Nährstoff- und Pflanzenschutzmittel-Einträgen aus der Landwirtschaft in das Grundwasser entstehen. Dazu wurden Primärdaten aus fünf verschiedenen Modellregionen erhoben und mit einer deutschlandweiten Umfrage von Wasserversorgern ergänzt. Auf dieser Grundlage werden die Kosten verschiedener Maßnahmen wie Brunnenvertiefungen landwirtschaftliche Beratung oder technische Aufbereitung ermittelt. Schließlich werden die Ergebnisse aufgegriffen um erstmalig ein Konzept und erste Ergebnisse einer Generalisierung der Kosten darzustellen (Quelle: UBA). Zitierte Vorschriften u.a.: § 6 Trinkwasserverordnung; Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1782/2003; Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1306/2013 | |
The study analyzes the drinking water treatment costs incurred by water providers which arise from agricultural activities and focusses in particular on the issue of nitrates. Using primary data collected from three collaborating partners in five model regions (OOWV: South Oldenburg and East Friesland regions / RheinEnergie: model regions on the left and right-bank of the Rhine / RWW: Holsterhausen/Üfter Mark region) the study assesses both reactive and preventative measures which water providers can take to tackle nitrate contamination. Firstly the model regions and their specific characteristics are described and some possible reactive measures are considered in more detail as well as the costs which the providers in the model regions incur. As none of the above-mentioned water providers currently operates any additional water treatment specifically for nitrate contamination the additional hypothetical costs are estimated for each model region. This part of the study takes into account treatment processes to reduce both nitrate and agrochemical concentration levels. Subsequently preventative measures are described which can contribute to a sustainable reduction in agricultural use of nitrogen-based compounds. Finally the results are collated an initial approach towards cost generalization is developed and first results are presented. The factors which have the most significant effect on costs are identified and an interpretation of the results is undertaken. |