
Evaluation of the possibilities of a stronger involvement of the chemicals sector in a green economy / by Anke Joas, Johanna Hecker, Marie Dollhofer, Veronika Abraham (BiPRO GmbH, Munich, Germany) ; on behalf of the German Environment Agency ; study performed by: BIPRO GmbH ; edited by: Section IV 1.1 International Chemicals management Susanne Walter-Rohde
VerfasserJoas, Anke ; Hecker, Johanna ; Dollhofer, Marie ; Abraham, Veronika
BeiträgerWalter-Rhode, Susanne
KörperschaftDeutschland ; BiPRO GmbH
ErschienenDessau-Roßlau : Umweltbundesamt, May 2016
Umfang1 Online-Ressource (ii, 182 Seiten, 1,91 MB) : Illustrationen
Study completed in: July 2014
Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 163-182
SerieTexte ; 2016, 47
 Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar
Evaluation of the possibilities of a stronger involvement of the chemicals sector in a green economy [1.91 mb]
Green Economy (GE) is an important element for a global sustainable development as it supports all three dimensions of sustainability - economic social and environmental and contributes to its further development. Therefore it is an essential goal for national regional and international activities and initiatives to implement GE in all economic sectors. The chemicals industry has a particular importance in the process of transformation into a GE as it is resource- and energy-intensive and deals with various and sometimes highly hazardous substances. On the other hand it shows high potentials for innovation and delivers essential materials and products that are necessary for a sustainable development. Thus a stronger involvement of the chemicals sector in a GE could enhance all dimensions of sustainability. This project examines the contributions of the chemicals sector to a GE. For this purpose it analyses existing national European and international legislations programmes and voluntary initiatives in the topic areas of environment and health (E&H) chemical safety (CS) and sustainable chemistry (SC) and their contribution to a GE. By means of an analysis of the definitions of GE CS SC and E&H it develops a set of GE criteria which is used subsequently to analyse the political initiatives and industrial activities regarding their contribution to a GE. Furthermore the deficits of the chemicals sector with respect to the GE criteria are discussed although the success of implementation could not be investigated. Finally based on the identified results the project provides recommendations and options of action to policy makers on the contributions of the chemicals sector for the international GE discussion. In doing this on the one hand concrete proposals are introduced on how specific contributions of the chemicals sector could be integrated into the GE discussion processes. On the other hand concrete measures are suggested on how GE could be realised in the topic areas of CS E&H and SC in order to eliminate existing deficits. Thus the proposals shall help to better integrate the chemicals sector into a GE.