
Review and enhancement of new risk assessment concepts under REACH / by Dr. Dietmar Warnecke, Dr. Karen Duis, Dr. Thomas Knacker (ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Flörsheim), Prof. Dr. Gerrit Schüürmann, Dr. Ralph Kühne, Norbert Ost (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig) ; on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (Germany) ; study performed by: ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH ; edited by: Section IV 2.3 Chemicals Franziska Kaßner, Frauke Stock
VerfasserWarnecke, Dietmar ; Duis, Karen ; Knacker, Thomas ; Schüürmann, Gerrit ; Kühne, Ralph ; Ost, Norbert
BeiträgerKaßner, Franziska ; Stock, Frauke
KörperschaftDeutschland ; ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH
ErschienenDessau-Roßlau : Umweltbundesamt, July 2014
Umfang1 Online-Ressource (99 Seiten, 1,43 MB) : Illustrationen
Study completed in: April 2011
Anhang mit extra Seitenzählung
Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 96-98
SerieTexte ; 2014, 48
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Review and enhancement of new risk assessment concepts under REACH [1.43 mb]
In this project the guidance documents should be verified using the example of potentially endocrine disrupting (ED) chemicals. Three substances were selected mainly based on in silico (2 4 6-tribromophenol) in vitro (benzanthrone) and in vivo data (benzophenone-2). In order to evaluate the potential for endocrine disruption several additional in vitro tests and one in vivo test were performed for two of the selected substances. For all three selected substances an integrated assessment of potential endocrine activity in aquatic vertebrates was performed. Results of this assessment are presented in a non-public annex to this report.