
Financing sustainable transport in Africa / by Judith Adeniyi, Christof Hertel, Dr. Jürgen Perschon (European Institute for Sustainable Transport (EURIST) e.V.) ; with support of Cornie Huizenga (Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Partnership (SloCaT)) ; on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (Germany) ; study performed by: European Institute for Sustainable Transport (EURIST) e.V. ; edited by: Section I 3.1 Environment and Transport Dr. Hedwig Verron
VerfasserAdeniyi, Judith ; Hertel, Christof ; Perschon, Jürgen
BeiträgerVerron, Hedwig
KörperschaftDeutschland ; European Institute for Sustainable Transport
ErschienenDessau-Roßlau : Umweltbundesamt, june 2013
Umfang1 Online-Ressource (99 Seiten, 7,02 MB) : Illustrationen, Diagramme
Study completed in: 2013
Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 77-80
SerieTexte ; 2013, 71
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Financing sustainable transport in Africa [7.02 mb]
In order to explain how future policies in transport should be formulated it is necessary to understand that sustainability in transport does not only imply transport infrastructure but can be embedded in a broader policy approach. Financing of infrastructure investments in public and non-motorised transport institutional development and road maintenance all require significant funding. Since developing countries face severe financial limitations budgetary considerations should become the starting point of planning. Available funds - both grants and loans - must be assessed carefully and then spent effectively and rationally. This means tackling the tendency of policy makers to favour prestige projects and instead convincing them to adopt a sustainability-oriented prioritisation of transport projects.