
Nature-based solutions for climate and biodiversity protection in selected national climate contributions : report / by: Judith Reise, Cristina Urrutia (Öko-Institut, Berlin), Sandra Dalfiume, Christina Ender, Ingrid Wawrzynowicz, Pedro Pássaro (Perspectives, Freiburg) ; on behalf of the German Environment Agency ; report performed by: Öko-Institut e.V. ; edited by: Section V 1.1 International Climate Action - Tobias Herzfeld (Fachbegleitung)
VerfasserReise, Judith ; Urrutia, Cristina ; Dalfiume, Sandra ; Ender, Christina ; Wawrzynowicz, Ingrid ; Pássaro, Pedro
HerausgeberHerzfeld, Tobias
KörperschaftDeutschland ; Öko-Institut
ErschienenDessau-Roßlau : Umweltbundesamt, February 2025
Umfang1 Online-Ressource (107 Seiten, 1,43 MB) : Illustration
Report completed in: November 2024
Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 86-104
Sprache der Zusammenfassung: Englisch, Deutsch
SerieClimate change ; 2025, 5
 Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar
Nature-based solutions for climate and biodiversity protection in selected national climate contributions [1.43 mb]
This report aims to inform the implementation of the German Action Plan with experiences from other countries that have also developed NbS measures to strengthen their natural carbon sinks. Six case study countries were selected for analysis: United Kingdom (UK) United States of America (USA) Ethiopia Indonesia Brazil and China. These countries were chosen because their NDCs mention NbS explicitly or NbS-related measures such as forest enhancement or peatland rewetting. Furthermore the case study countries represent diverse income levels and geographical regions. The report examines and summarises the success factors and challenges in implementing NbS in these countries with conclusions drawn for the implementation of the German ANK.